December 13, 2013
Lexx fans video chat
Originally posted on my Lexx hangout page on G+ at
Hi guys, getting a couple of hop ons so I know this is getting checked out from my links hither & yon. There are several places around the world where Lexx fans sorta still gather online, but they are scattered & the traffic is pretty scant. And no wonder, is Lexx even getting any air time? Netflix ran it here in the U.S. for a short while & then dropped it. At least it turns up at Target now, used to couldn't find it scavenging through gamer shops, much less regular retail.
Lexx doesn't have fan representation in the form of podcasting or video chatting that I know of, possibly because most of the Lexx fans out there have never posted their real pictures or talked about their real lives. We all have our reasons, and I'm cool with that. But wouldn't it be neato if we could yap our little Lexx hearts out together in real time LIVE? And other fans could watch and interact LIVE if they wanted to via twitter hashtag or G+ chat or whatevs.
I've got Lexx friends in several countries who have expressed interest in seeing this happen, whether or not they'll come out in the open is up to them. Being a fansite webmaster, I've been able to talk a little tech with other fansite owners/builders, but only in emails & forums. I would love to sit down with a few Lexx salvage fans who have become icons themselves about what it takes to maintain a fansite and produce content for fans to find.
I'd also love to have fan chats, just yap about the shows, no particular agenda, just have fun talking about the show we love that no one else gets. To this day I run into fans across the internet who are so surprised there are other fans out there, they thought they were alone. I know where I live there is only one other Lexx fan that I'm aware of, but apparently there are more underground because some of the Lexx DVDs were never returned to the Springfield library and the fines are maxing out. Got a phone shot of the CoolCat screen displaying the status, ha. I was like YEAH we got Lexx fans here BOOYA!
Anyway, I'm slowly picking up how we can make this happen. If you'd like a sample, here you go, I am in this video & these guys are asplainin The Walking Dead to me because up to this point I'd seen only one show, which was this latest cliffhanger. If we get together for Lexx chats it'll be like this, easy peasy G+ video hangout that we can stream to a youtube acct. If you're interested throw something at me & drag my attention over here, I'm usually up to my eyeballs in ten other things. I'm good with comments nowadays, if you want to leave feedback, if not, I understand. This is a tough fandom, but it's all good, & I think we can have fun with this.