March 13, 2014

  • I Worship His Shadow- part 10- the bug bomb

    This is part 10.
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    Images from Thumbnails click to original size.

    Pretend a year didn't just go by since we left a crowd of bloodthirsty fans screaming for Thodin's death, and before that we left Xev trapped in a lusticon, and before that we left Stanley Tweedle freaking out about a termination order. We're right on the cusp now of what else can happen???

    Stanley Tweedle is writhing in agony over a horrible conundrum- one to three organs when he reports to the corrections center versus termination if he doesn't turn himself in. General guess, he probably had about 20 minutes left on the clock and has been wandering around since then trying to make up his mind what to do. Escape is out of the question, being in the heart of His Divine Shadow's League of 20,000 Planets on the Cluster itself, trapped in a judiciary structure to make all your worst nightmares look like rainbow colored kittens. I wonder what that screen with a face on it is for.

    If you think about it, this 20 minutes is probably the very last of any kind of freedom Stanley Tweedle will ever know again. While he's walking around in between places, still fully corporeally intact, no one is bothering him or bossing him around, and when he pauses to think to himself, no one questions him or gives him trouble. That big robot looks pretty innocuous. Remember that when we see it again.

    In this moment with the distant chime marking the quiet passing of time in this in between place, we get an almost beautiful view of the Cluster far below while Stanley wrestles with the hardest choice he's ever made in his life. "One to three organs?"

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    "Better than termination!" Quiet thoughtful time is suddenly over, now it's panic time, and Stanley realizes he's got seconds left to report in before he gets stuck with termination. He turns immediately and starts running.

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    That's the correction center he needs to get to down that hallway. Look very closely. We hear the bug bomb report in, "Bug bomb searching..." as it zips through that gateway. Watch the green dot, like a teeny tiny remote controlled helicopter buzzing around. Remember, you can click on thumbnails to see them better.

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    Stan is running really fast, jumping over and dodging zippy little robot servos on their little carts. I can't help thinking how the shadow patterns on the floor look like he's in prison wherever he goes. It even looks like his own shadow is trying to get away.

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    With all that jumping and dodging and utter panic rising up, the last thing Stanley needs is a teensy airborne mechanoid buzzing around crashing into his face and slowing him down.

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    Uh oh...

    UH OH. Yeah, Thodin is hearing all this on his relay.

    "Bug bomb... malfunction..." Definitely one of those 'Oh crap' moments. He's still bolted to that little bug carrier in the middle of Cobalt Stadium with a hundred thousand bloodthirsty fans screaming for his brain to be fed to cluster lizards.

    Here's the holo-judge talking again. "Thodin of the Ostral-B Pair is accused of heresy in the first degree.."

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    "...of 26 counts of piracy..." Despite the danger and the bug bomb malfunction, Thodin seems to be enjoying his sentencing.

    "...of influencing the minds of the People..." The cluster lizards are getting crankier.

    "...of questioning His Shadow's truth and wisdom..."

    "...of destroying 231 military vessels loyal to His Shadow..."

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    That's turning into quite a list. Starting to wonder just what all Thodin has really done, who he really is, and what in the world kind of outfit that is and do all the heretics wear them?

    Meanwhile, the clock is counting down and Stanley Tweedle is running for dear life.

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    Automated voice- "This correction center is now closed." The gate was automated, as well.

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    Alas, Stan is too late.

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    "It's me!"

    "I'm here!"

    But of course, it's truly too late.

    There is no one around to hear him.

    The bug bomb malfunctioned and Stanley is too late, looks like this story is almost over...

    Thodin was played by Barry Bostwick, Stanley Tweedle was played by Brian Downey. You can find Lexx at Amazon, and check Lexx on Yidio to see where it's still currently being broadcast.

    I made this last year, you can use it if you want.

    This is part 10.
    Go back to part 9.
    Go on to part 11. (coming soon)
    Return to The Lexx.
    Go to main blog.


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My first tracker was installed in 2004 and broke several times before moving to a new server, which lost a few months of stats, and then Xanga moved to new servers and I lost more stats for more months before the page came back up, so I've lost a total of about two years' worth of stats. The second was installed 2-22-14 and is considered very conservative by business owners who use analytics, which itself is very conservative, estimates being that roughly one third to one half of hits by real live people aren't even counted, most likely due to javascript discrepancies. Actual hits on several posts here are in the thousands now, and the Lexx Index in the ten thousands. I've got pingbacks turned off, so spam isn't counted at all within the Xanga internal tracker, and most direct post hits can be correlated to my real time linking activity on twitter and other social media. When I did Google Analytics beta testing I got to see how search engine performance compares to tracking. I believe live feed linking sources to various social medias are key to a future where search engines are more about performance than cataloging, which has been confirmed to me by coders who create bot algorithms as I was beta testing I've fought hard through redundant age-old stacks to make my way to the google front lines again, so my Lexx work shows up faster on Chrome searches now. This has been a really interesting ride. At any rate, my point is, I can still go back 6 years on my original tracker and I can still see that in 2013 just before the last big blog server move, I was getting traffic like this (and since then, the tracker may have been abandoned, we can't tell). Click the thumbnail to see full size.

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Besides Lexx, the most common search phrases that bring new visitors here are variations on 'huge spaceship'. The most seen post from a phrase search is How Big is the Lexx? My biggest Lexx referrer is Lexx Domain. Most of page views per person count comes from the Lexx tag on Tumblr. Visitors who stay the longest come through URLOpener and are pinged through the Google translator server in Mountain View, CA.

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